Online service for examination registration and overview of course achievements

OPAL – the online service for examination registration and overview of course achievements

Students in bachelor’s courses in Design can look up their marks and ECTS points online; however, for security reasons this can only be done from computers on the university network

How does OPAL work? 

Step 1:
Go to the  OPAL homepage and click “Zutritt über verschlüsselte Verbindung (Access using encrypted connection)”.

Step 2:
You will be asked for your login and password.Login: Enter the first part of your Burg e-mail address.Example: If your Burg e-mail address is: st1234(at)  burg-halle.  de, then your login is: st1234Password: Enter the same password that you use when accessing your Burg e-mail.

Step 3:
Click the “Notenspiegel (List of marks)” link and then select your course. The course element overview that follows can be saved as a PDF (Acrobat Reader) document using the link provided.

Step 4:
Once you have accessed your marks, please logout properly from the system using “Abmelden (Logout)” and, where necessary, empty the browser cache.

Who can help with technical problems?

If you have technical problems or questions, you can contact the following person:
Michael Spindler, Telephone +49(0)345 7751-914, spindler(at)  burg-halle.  de
Constructive suggestions for improvements are also welcome.

If you have questions regarding your marks and ECTS points, please contact the Examinations
Office directly:
Frau Pastjan, Telefon +49(0)345 7751-536
Frau Stolte, Telefon +49(0)345 7751-535
pruefungsamt(at)  burg-halle.  de

All data has been entered to the best of our knowledge and is intended to provide you with an overview of your achievements so far. However, the Examination Office reserves the right to make corrections to data. A binding transcript of marks will be provided by the Examinations Office at the end of your course or when required (e.g. for the BAföG office or in the case of transfer to another university).

Other functions such as registration for and withdrawal from examinations are being expanded gradually.