Design faculty
Bachelor’s courses are structured in a modular manner and divided into five module areas.
Design faculty
Bachelor’s courses are structured in a modular manner and divided into five module areas.
- Design skillsSubject-specific fundamentals, complex design
Industrial Design, Interior Architecture, Communication Design, Multimedia|VR Design, Fashion Design - Skills in related areas
Natural and technical sciences, presentation techniques - Design and artistic skills
Fundamentals of visual art and advanced study of natural forms - Scientific skills
Design studies, humanities and social sciences - Interdisciplinary, societal and market-related skills
Economic subjects
Art faculty
The course elements in the Art faculty are organised as follows:
- Painting/Graphics
- Sculpture
- Art Pedagogy/Art Education
- Fundamentals of Visual Art
- Art Studies (refer to Design faculty)
Module descriptions for Bachelor courses
PDFs avaible only in German
Module descriptions for Master courses
PDFs avaible only in German
Conceptual Fashion Design (PDF)
Conceptual Textile Design (PDF)
Design of Playing and Learning (PDF)
Visual Strategies and Stories (PDF)
Module descriptions for all courses
PDFs avaible only in German
Interdisziplinäre, gesellschafts- und marktbezogene Kompetenz, IK (PDF)
Module Descriptions Art courses
PDFs avaibale only in German
Moduldescriptions Art (Teacher training at grammar schools and secondary schools)
Moduldescriptions Master Art Sciences (Appendix 1 of the Examination Regulations)
Schedule calendar (PDF, available only in German)
Module areas in bachelor’s courses (PDF, available only in German)
Courses offered
Index of Courses (only in German)
Courses and disciplines
Dezernat Studentische und Akademische Angelegenheiten
Campus Design, Neuwerk 7, Kutscherhaus, 06108 Halle