Academic Senate
Commissions and Advisory Councils
Advisory Council for Archive and Collection
- Chairperson: Prof. Dr. Veronica Biermann
- Prof. Dr. Pablo Abend, Prof. Dr. Nike Bätzner, Prof. Dr. Sara Burkhardt, Prof. Martin Neubert, Prof. Vincenz Warnke Deputy: Prof. Bruno Raetsch,
- Additional member: Linda Baasch (Chancellor)
- Permanent guest: Katharina Loos (Head of the Library)
Library Commission
- Chairperson: Karl Schikora
- Prof. Pablo Abend, Prof. Dr. Veronica Biermann, Prof. Sabine Golde, Heike Hertwig, Dr. Ana Hupe
- Representatives of the students’ group: Janni Froese, Louise Engel
- Permanent guests: Katharina Loos (Head of the Library), Judith Schenkluhn (as Representative of the Rectorate)
Graduate Commission
- Chairperson: Prof. Tilo Baumgärtel
- Representatives of the university professors’ group: Prof. Dr. Pablo Abend, Prof. Stella Geppert, Prof. Natalie Häusler, Prof. Karsten Födinger, Prof. Lars Paschke
- Representatives of mid-level teaching staff: Silke Berg, Tristan Schulze
- Equality Officer: Prof. Nike Bätzner
- Permanent guest: Teresa Falkenhagen
Internet Commission
- Chairperson: Prof. Anette Scholz
- Representatives of the Design faculty: Prof. Matthias Görlich, Prof. Jonas Hansen, Prof. Anette Scholz, Prof. Andrea Tinnes
- Representatives of the Art faculty: Prof. Michael Jäger, Prof. Paul McDevitt
- Representatives of the other staff members’ group: Michael Spindler
- Representatives of the students’ group: Wiebke Lendewig, Janis Strobl
- Press Office: Brigitte Beiling (Head of PR), Heidi Ballhausen (Web Editor)
Ombudsfrau zur Sicherung guter wissenschaftlicher Praxis und zum Umgang mit Vorwürfen wissenschaftlichen und künstlerischen Fehlverhaltens
- Prof. Dr. Nike Bätzner
- PDF zur Richtlinie
Commission for Protection against Discrimination
- Prof. Karsten Födinger, Art Faculty
- Claudia Kokot, Representative of the Administration
- Agnes Wrobel, Deputy of the other employees
- Prof. Martin Neubert, Representative of the Art Faculty
- Prof. Rita Rentzsch, Deputy of the Design Faculty
- Prof. Andrea Tinnes, Representative of the Design Faculty
- Trami Nguyen (student member, Art Faculty)
- Andrew Moussa (student member, Design Faculty)
Further information
Notices from the Senate
Members of the Senate
Commissions and Advisory Councils