Google Meet

GoogleMeet is a video conference tool and part of Google Workspace, for which BURG owns a Google Pro account. Google assures a DSGVO-compliant handling of data and user data. This includes transparency in data processing, storing data within the EU, deleting data that is no longer required and secure encryption of data to protect it from external access.

Credits: Nora Prinz

What is it for?

Google Meet can be used to create video conferences with up to 100 people and broadcast live streams for up to 100,000 viewers. The streams can be broadcast live on YouTube. As the tool is part of Google Workspace, BURG members can create conferences for free. This makes Google Meet an alternative to Zoom and Jitsi Meet.

Who can use it?

Can be used by all BURG members. Participation in video conferences is also possible without registration and without a Google account. To start a conference, however, registration in the G Suite by the Rechenzentrum is required.

How does it work?

Once registered users have started a video conference, non-registered users can be invited via a link. Participation is possible via a web browser (Chrome, Firefox, Edge or Safari) on a computer or via an app (iOS, Android). The use of headphones is recommended to avoid audio feedback.

As Google limits video conferences to a maximum of 100 participants, the number of participants can be increased by creating another conference in a second browser tab and re-enabling the camera and microphone. 

Further help on video conferencing with Google Meet can be found at the official documentation.