BURG set up its own cloud on the Rechenzentrum server at https://box.burg-halle.de. The data is regularly backed up. The support provided by the data centre in case of problems is limited, however. The memory space includes 5 GB, but can be extended on request from the data centre.

Credits: Nora Prinz

The cloud can be accessed via https://box.burg-halle.de.

Using the BURG Box bears a certain security risk, since the account can be accessed from anywhere, which increases the risk of a hacker attack. This is why an additional backup should be created on a personal hard drive, especially for important data. Sensitive data such as names, account details or other forms of personal information should not be stored within the BURG Box.

What is it for?

  • FilesThe Burg.Box provides an alternative to Dropbox or WeTransfer for exchanging data or creating shared folders. A program for synchronising files with a computer (PC, Mac, Linux) or mobile devices (Android, iOS) can be found here.
  • Collaborative documents
    In the "Files" area, documents, tables, presentations, diagrams and mind maps can be created and edited together.
  • Contacts
    The BURG Box contact list includes all BURG members with the corresponding BURG e-mail address. It is possible to create groups with selected contacts in the "Contacts" area.
  • Calendar
    Various calendars can be created and events managed.
  • Notes
    Notes can be created in self-created categories.
  • Deck
    Deck is an organizing tool, alternative to Slack, for planning and structuring projects and tasks.
  • Polls
    The poll tool has a similar structure to Doodle and can be used to create polls for specific groups, individual users or the public.

How does it work?

The BURG Box is based on the standard cloud solution NextCloud. The official documentation can be found here.

For whom?

For all BURG members.


Log in with the St number (students) or the BURG account (employees) and the BURG password. Administrative staff can obtain access on request from the Rechenzentrum.