Equipment and workshops


Equipment and workshops

The studios and workshops for the Painting/Glass discipline are located at two sites that are close to each other: on the grounds of ‘Burg Giebichenstein’ castle, at Kröllwitzer Straße 2 (where it is also possible to work outdoors), and in the ‘Hermes’ building. The workshops allow for professional work with the material of glass and with aspects of techniques common to a number of materials.

Derenburg glassworks

There is a cooperation agreement in place with the “Harzkristall” glassworks in Derenburg. This provides for an annual practical experience placement where students learn about hot-glass processes and the artistic implementation of these.

Studios and workshops

Unterburg Giebichenstein (Lower Castle),
‘Pförtnerhaus’ (Gatekeeper’s building)
Kurvenburg, Kröllwitzer Straße 2, 06120 Halle
‘Hermes’ building, Hermesstraße 5, 06114 Halle