Painting/Graphics ‘Diplom’ degree course, Prof. Tilo Baumgärtel
Phone +49 (0)345 7751-609, baumgaertel(at)
The study of painting at the BURG focuses on fundamental painterly issues - the primary goal is to acquire artistic expression that supports the formulation of an independent aesthetic position. The ability to critically reflect on one's own work and to classify it within the current art scene is deepened by the intensive examination of traditional, but also and above all contemporary art production. In doing so, the view for a suitable form of presentation is sharpened and cross-media discussions are encouraged. Numerous activities and initiatives at the BURG are aimed at laying a good foundation for later work as a freelance artist.
‘Hermes’ building, 3rd floor, R. 402
Hermesstraße 5, 06114 Halle