Arbeitsbesprechungen auf Spanisch mit Prof. Federico Bacher von der Universidad Nacional de las Artes (UNA) in Buenos Aires

Studierende des Studiengangs Kunst (Lehramt) mit Zweitfach Spanisch haben am 29.01.21 die Möglichkeit mit Federico Bacher, Professor an der Universidad Nacional de las Artes (UNA) eine Arbeitsbesprechung auf Spanisch zu machen

Federico Bacher
Energy, 2014
Magda Danysz Art Gallerie - 16 January to 25 March 2016 - Shanghai, China.

Federico Bacher ist 1974 in Buenos Aires geboren und lebt und arbeitet dort als freischaffender Künstler und lehrt Bildhauerei an der Universidad Nacional de las Artes in Buenos Aires, Argentinien.

Um den Studierenden des Studiengangs Kunst (Lehramt) mit Zweitfach Spanisch eine Verknüpfung ihrer beiden Fächer zu ermöglichen, entstand der Kontakt zu Federico Bacher in Buenos Aires, Argentinien, mit der Absicht eine nachhaltige Kooperation ins Leben zu rufen. Die Arbeitsbesprechungen am 29.01.21 sind der Auftakt der Zusammenarbeit und des Austausches zwischen Lehrenden und Studierenden beider Hochschulen.

Website des Künstlers:


I did five years of academia at the National Academy of Fine Arts of Argentina. When finished, instead of following through to graduate school, I decided to go to Florence and continue my studies there. A self-described Fanatic of the Renaissance and Michaelangelo, I studied there for two years, on my own, assisting permanently to museums and monuments of Florence with my student card at the Istituto Satatale D'Arte di Fierenze. I was a student and assistant to great sculptors and artists like Aurelio Macchi, Ruben Locaso And Magda Frank. Artists of older generations in which the craft, work and love of their work were essential, and that is what I learned. 
As an artist I am essentially a nature lover, I think to love Nature is to love ourselves. 
The gap that has been generated between man and Nature is huge. Loving it would retrieve us much good. I always appreciate having dedicated my life to art, it gives me the ability to communicate with nature and with people in a very pure form, where certain contaminants do not enter. 
I call my studio, "the temple", and I think this summarizes everything.This "temple" is often in divine order and sometimes in great chaos, such as life and the universe, and so i live in it and enjoy it. 
I use a lot of intuition and the unconsciousness, I think there's something in us that knows more about us than ourselves. And that mystery is beautiful as is life itself.